While this can appear on any device under some conditions, Android OS versions prior to Android 8.0 use an older encryption certificate that is no longer supported by the most popular certificate handler on the world wide web: Let's Encrypt. While that may sound complicated, a simple summary is to say older Android devices have developed security vulnerabilities when connecting to servers over the internet (such as when logging in to BitGym), and thus their attempts to connect are simply rejected by more secure servers. You can read about it in depth from the official OpenSSL post.
The Google Play Store — and as a result BitGym — no longer supports the less secure and outdated certificates as security is a paramount concern to us. These are the available workarounds to this limitation:
- Upgrade to a device released later than mid-2021. This is the simplest option, as all devices after this should support modern security certificates.
- If possible, update your Android device to Android 7.1.1 or newer. However, many older devices no longer receive updates.
- [Slightly advanced] You can install BitGym directly from an APK, which circumvents Google Play's restriction on unencrypted network connections. This version, when run on an older Android device, connects to our servers using only "http://" protocol, not "https://", which somewhat increases the security vulnerabilities of your device. Running the app in this mode is outside the scope of what is described in our privacy policy.
- [Very advanced] Flash your device with a custom ROM running Android 8 or newer, and then install BitGym. Search online for instructions and the downloads needed to upgrade your specific tablet model with a new Android version and try to follow the steps as closely as possible. We cannot provide any support with this approach, and if it hasn't already expired, this approach may void your device's warranty.