Using BitGym
Learn about installing, getting set up, navigating the app, and doing a workout in BitGym
Getting started
- Building your immersive BitGym studio
- Can I use BitGym for free?
- BitGym compatibility with smart devices
- BitGym in your local language
- What cardio machine do you recommend?
- BitGym on your television
BitGym on iOS and Android devices
Compatible peripherals and additional platforms
- BitGym on Vision Pro
- BitGym on Apple TV
- BitGym on Google TV (or Android TV)
- BitGym on Fire TV (Amazon)
- Do you support Casting or Chromecast?
- What heart rate monitors are compatible with BitGym?
Navigating BitGym content
During your BitGym workout
- Streaming video performance and internet connection speed
- What are the RPE numbers shown in guided tours?
- Guided: Cardio Coach Blue, Green, Orange & Red Zones
- Guided: Maximum Heart Rate
- Why is the app freezing?
- Why isn’t there sound?
Exercise and Speed Tracking
- Manual speed tracking
- Selecting a cardio machine
- How can I use BitGym without an exercise machine?
- Speed tracking with BitGym
- Using BitGym with camera speed tracking
- Submitting exercise tracking reports