- BitGym Direct subscription - done through your profile on our secure website, platform-independent and shared across any device running BitGym. This is the method of subscription we recommend for the best prices, most flexibility and full assistance from the BitGym support team.
- Payment via the platform you installed BitGym on your device
- Apple: App Store payments (including store credits & iTunes gift cards)
- Android: Google Play payments (including store credit and Google Play gift cards)
- Kindle: Amazon App store payments (including app store credit and Amazon gift cards)
Subscription management and payment support
- switch to a different subscription plan
- purchase a lifetime membership
- resume a cancelled subscription
- cancel an active subscription
The BitGym support team can provide extensive support regarding refunds, schedule changes, cancellations, support credits, and more when your membership is via BitGym Direct.
Moving to the BitGym Direct subscription
There are many advantages to using a direct subscription over a platform subscription -
- you can purchase our discounted annual plan
- your subscription can be used on multiple devices
- you can pay via a wider array of payment methods
- you will be eligible for promotional BitGym credits that can be used towards your membership
- we can better support your billing-related issues, including refunds and returns in the event of any issues, transferring payments to a different account, changing your renewal date, changing payment method, etc.
- we offer a 30 day no-questions asked refund policy on the annual plan.
To move your subscription over, you should:
- Cancel any active platform-based subscription. This is very important as we may not be able to modify your platform payments from our end!
- Visit https://www.bitgym.com/profile and log in with your email registered with BitGym (same as the one you use to log into the app)
- Choose which subscription you would like (annual or monthly), enter your payment information and confirm. You're good to go!
Please note you will not be charged until your existing platform subscription or other paid time has fully lapsed. Therefore, your first BitGym direct payment may not be billed immediately, but at a later date if you already have an active BitGym Membership at the time of signing up for BitGym Direct.
Restoring an existing iOS subscription
If you just reinstalled BitGym or installed it on a new device, you may need to use the “restore purchase” feature. When you open BitGym and it asks you to upgrade or continue free, this button should be available on the screen.
You can use the "restore" button to the BitGym app to check if the current iTunes/iCloud user logged into the iPhone or iPad has an active Apple subscription to BitGym. Tapping the button will ask for your iTunes password before performing this check.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to file a support ticket with us.