BitGym Tours are speed interactive: they progress based on your exercise intensity so you can feel truly connected to and present in the destination you chose to work out in.
To accomplish this, BitGym uses your device's front-facing camera to detect the rate of your exercise.
I'm concerned about my privacy.
And so are we! To put it simply, we don't record, store, or share what the camera sees, neither on our servers nor on your device. You can read our privacy policy here for the full details.
We use the pixel data from each camera frame to determine your exercise speed and discard the data right after. You can also read a simple overview of how we use your camera frame data to understand your exercise.
Why not use the machine's speed sensors? Won't it be more accurate?
- Not all exercise machines have speed sensors.
- Those that do, not all expose sensor readings for use in real-time (while you are working out)
- Those that do, all use different technology and protocols which constantly change.
BitGym's tracking achieves an accuracy of over 97% measuring your exercise cadence when compared to the built-in sensors of machines. In exchange, you can use the same app experience without worrying about exercise firmware versions, cables, dongles, bluetooth signal, or whether our small development team explicitly supports your specific machine's data protocol and exercise format! It has been proven that high tech electronic features such as sensors, data-tracking and entertainment onboard exercise equipment is often outdated by the time the cardio machine even reaches the market. This means you can use almost any brand of exercise machine and invest in better build quality and durability rather than overpriced electronic features and systems, and use the latest smart device of your preference that you already own instead.
Not to mention, you can use BitGym on any type of machine (treadmill, bike, stepper, or even machines like these) without having to look up whether BitGym supports it!